What is going to happen after beard transplant? | All Details

A beard transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one area of the body, typically the back of the scalp, to the areas of the face where there is sparse or no facial hair growth. It is performed to address conditions such as patchy beard growth, thinning beard, or facial hair loss due to genetics, scarring, burns, or other factors.

Here are some key points about beard transplants:

  • Procedure: The beard transplant procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The surgeon extracts individual hair follicles, usually using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, which involves harvesting hair follicles one by one using a specialized instrument. The extracted follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area of the beard, following the natural growth pattern and desired beard shape.
  • Donor Area: The donor area for a beard transplant is usually the back of the scalp, as this area tends to have abundant and genetically resistant hair follicles. These follicles are less likely to fall out over time, ensuring long-term beard growth. In some cases, hair follicles from other parts of the body, such as the chest or legs, can also be used as a donor source.
  • Transplantation Technique: The FUE technique is commonly used for beard transplants. It involves making tiny incisions in the recipient area of the beard and carefully implanting the harvested hair follicles. The surgeon pays attention to the direction, angle, and density of the transplanted hairs to create a natural-looking beard.
  • Recovery and Results: After the beard transplant, the transplanted hairs may initially shed within a few weeks, but the hair follicles remain intact. New hair growth typically begins within a few months, and the transplanted hairs continue to grow and mature over time. It can take several months to see the full results of the beard transplant, and the outcome may vary from person to person.
  • Post-Operative Care: Following a beard transplant, patients are typically advised to follow specific post-operative care instructions provided by their surgeon. This may include instructions on cleansing the transplanted area, avoiding strenuous activities, refraining from touching or scratching the area, and taking prescribed medications, if necessary.
  • Risks and Considerations: As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and considerations associated with a beard transplant. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, swelling, temporary numbness, and the possibility of an uneven or unnatural appearance if not performed by a skilled surgeon. It’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in hair transplantation to minimize these risks.
  • Consultation with a Specialist: If you are considering a beard transplant, it is important to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist or a dermatologist experienced in hair transplantation. They can assess your specific situation, discuss your goals and expectations, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

It’s important to have realistic expectations regarding the results of a beard transplant. The outcome depends on various factors, including the quality and availability of the donor’s hair, the skill of the surgeon, and the individual’s unique hair growth characteristics. A thorough consultation with a qualified professional can provide a better understanding of what can be achieved with a beard transplant.

Many social studies around the world have shown that beardy men are more attractive than men without a beard. For this reason, many men started to think about Beard Transplant as an alternative solution to feel better and more confident.

If you want to get a dense beard and you do not have suitable genetic factors or if you have any problems with a beard for any reason, Beard Transplant will give you an effective and permanent solution that no other thing can provide.

One of the questions people ask about such operations that provide permanent solutions is “What will happen after Beard Transplant?” Keep reading to get all the details about the period after Beard Transplant and its results.

Beard Transplant is done by moving grafts from certain parts of the body to the beard.

As with Hair Transplant, Beard Transplant is done by FUE, DHI, or Robotic DHI techniques in 4-6 hours. During the procedure, which is done under local anesthesia, the grafts are transplanted individually in the beard. Usually, 1000-3000 grafts are used to guarantee high density.

Since this procedure uses the patient’s grafts, it is very safe and provides natural results. In addition, there are no stitches because there are no incisions during the procedure, so there will be no scars after it.

Usually, the grafts are taken from the backside of the head or neck. This might make people ask some questions such as: Is the difference in the characteristics between beard hair and head hair going to give unsuccessful results? There is no need to worry about this. When the grafts are transplanted into the beard, they will start to show the beard’s hair characteristics with time. The reason behind this is that the grafts take the characteristics of the area they are adapted into.

In addition, while selecting a donor area, experts select the parts that contain thick grafts, and they search for the grafts able to show characteristics once they are transplanted.

There is no need to stay in the hospital after Beard Transplant. You can go back home on the same day.

Some redness and sensitivity may occur on your face after the procedure. In addition, the same symptoms may appear in the donor area. These are normal things and will disappear in a few days.

Experts will wash the treated area on the second or third day after the procedure. After washing, red blisters may appear in the transplanted area. These blisters will disappear during the first or second week after the procedure.

After 2-3 weeks of Beard Transplant, the beard may fall. This is a good sign because the new beard that will grow will be permanent. Therefore, it is important to consider these things as natural phases of the procedure.

The beard takes its final shape in 6-9 months after the procedure.

How is the process before the beard transplant

Before a beard transplant, there are certain things you should do and things you should avoid to prepare yourself for the procedure. Here are some general guidelines:

Things to Do:

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Schedule a consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist or a dermatologist experienced in beard transplants. They will assess your specific situation, discuss your goals and expectations, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  • Research and Select a Skilled Surgeon: Do thorough research and choose a skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in beard transplants. Look for credentials, qualifications, before-and-after photos of previous patients, and patient reviews to ensure you select a reputable professional.
  • Follow Pre-Operative Instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific pre-operative instructions. It is important to carefully follow these instructions, which may include guidelines on medications, dietary restrictions, and preparation of the donor and recipient areas.
  • Communicate Your Expectations: Communicate your desired beard style and expectations to your surgeon during the pre-operative consultations. This will help ensure that the transplant is tailored to your preferences and that you have realistic expectations regarding the outcome.
  • Prepare for the Recovery Period: Plan for the recovery period following the transplant. Arrange for time off work, organize any necessary accommodations, and make arrangements for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Leading up to the procedure, maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. These habits can help promote overall health and aid in the healing process.

Things Not to Do:

  • Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications: Certain medications and supplements, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood-thinning drugs, can increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. It is generally advised to avoid these medications in the days leading up to the transplant, as instructed by your surgeon.
  • Do Not Smoke or Use Tobacco Products: Smoking and tobacco use can negatively affect blood circulation and impede the healing process. It is advisable to quit smoking and avoid tobacco products before and after the procedure.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: Minimize or avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption in the days leading up to the transplant, as they can potentially interfere with the body’s healing mechanisms.
  • Do Not Undergo Other Hair Treatments: Avoid undergoing any hair treatments, such as hair dyeing, perming, or chemical treatments, in the weeks leading up to the beard transplant. These treatments can irritate the scalp and potentially affect the success of the transplant.
  • Don’t Shave the Donor Area: Your surgeon will advise you on how to prepare the donor area for the transplant. It is important not to shave or trim the donor area too close to the procedure date, as it may be necessary for the surgeon to harvest hair follicles from that area.
  • Do Not Overwhelm Yourself: Avoid unnecessary stress or anxiety in the days leading up to the procedure. Take care of yourself mentally and emotionally, and try to relax and stay positive.

Remember to consult with your surgeon for specific pre-operative instructions as they may vary based on individual circumstances and the surgical technique used. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth and successful beard transplant procedure.

Things To Do \ Things Not To Do After Beard Transplant

You have finished Beard Transplant successfully, it is time for care, and here is some advice:

  • Use your medications regularly. Medications are usually painkillers and antibiotics to prevent infections.
  • Protect the transplanted area from any shocks.
  • Do not rub your face.
  • Do not use any chemical products on your face.
  • Do not shave after the procedure. After a period, you can use the razor or scissors but do not use the blade.
  • Protect the transplanted area from the sun. In the first weeks after the procedure, exposure to sunlight will affect the recovery process negatively.

Since sweating affects the transplanted grafts, you have to avoid heavy activities. If you want to exercise, you have to wait for ten days after the procedure. You have to consider that at this time you can only exercise light sports.

One of the important points you have to watch is the sleeping position.

You have done Beard Transplant and you went back to your home. The first night is very important, you have to sleep with your head up. It is recommended to support your head with pillows. Keeping your head up will decrease the risk of bleeding and provide you with a comfortable sleep.

In addition, it is very important to not sleep on your face to protect the transplanted area from shocks during sleep.

After the procedure and the first wash in the hospital, your doctor may tell you that you can wash your face. After Beard Transplant, you can notice redness in the transplanted area. This redness will turn into a peel with time, and you may want to remove this peel.

While washing the treated area, the water’s temperature is very important. You should use warm water and the prescribed products. Avoid direct touch between water and your face, and make sure to wash all the products from your face. For this reason, you should wash your face carefully and slowly.

Most, people may like to know if the results of a beard transplant are permanent or not. As with Hair Transplants, the results are permanent. If you do not have health problems or any biological change in your body, the results will be permanent.

Who can have Beard Transplant? 

Beard transplant procedures are typically recommended for individuals who have inadequate or patchy facial hair growth and desire a fuller and more even beard. Here are some common criteria for individuals who may be suitable candidates for a beard transplant:

  • Sparse Beard Growth: Candidates for a beard transplant often have areas of the beard where there is little to no hair growth or patchy hair distribution. They may have genetic factors, scarring, burns, or other conditions that have affected the natural growth of facial hair.
  • Good Donor Hair Supply: A beard transplant requires a sufficient supply of healthy hair follicles to be transplanted into the beard area. The donor area is typically the back of the scalp, where hair follicles are abundant and genetically resistant to falling out. In some cases, hair follicles from other parts of the body, such as the chest or legs, can also be used as donor sources.
  • Good General Health: Candidates for a beard transplant should be in good overall health. It is important to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions, medications, or allergies to the surgeon during the consultation to assess suitability for the procedure.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the beard transplant. The surgeon will discuss the expected results and explain any limitations based on the individual’s unique characteristics, such as hair density, hair quality, and the availability of donor follicles.
  • Psychological Readiness: Undergoing a beard transplant is a personal decision, and individuals should have a clear understanding of their motivations and be psychologically prepared for the procedure. It is important to have realistic expectations and a positive mindset throughout the process.
  • Consultation with a Specialist: It is advisable to have a consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist or a dermatologist experienced in beard transplants. They will evaluate your specific situation, assess the feasibility of the procedure, and provide personalized recommendations based on your goals and expectations.

It’s important to note that each individual’s case is unique, and the eligibility for a beard transplant will be determined by a thorough evaluation conducted by a qualified professional. Consulting with a specialist will help determine if you are a suitable candidate and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about pursuing a beard transplant.

Are there any side effects of Beard Transplant

Like any surgical procedure, a beard transplant can have potential side effects and risks. It’s important to be aware of these before undergoing the procedure. Here are some possible side effects that may occur:

  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common side effects following a beard transplant. They typically occur around the donor and recipient areas and usually subside within a few days to a week after the procedure.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Some degree of pain or discomfort may be experienced after the beard transplant. This can be managed with prescribed pain medications or over-the-counter pain relievers, as recommended by your surgeon.
  • Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection after the procedure. It is important to follow proper post-operative care instructions and keep the transplanted area clean to minimize the risk of infection. If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus, contact your surgeon immediately.
  • Bleeding: Some minor bleeding may occur during and after the beard transplant. Your surgeon will take measures to control bleeding during the procedure, and any post-operative bleeding can usually be managed with gentle pressure and elevation of the area.
  • Itching and Discomfort at the Transplanted Area: Itching is a common side effect during the healing process. However, it is important to resist the urge to scratch or rub the transplanted area, as it may disrupt the healing process and dislodge grafts.
  • Temporary Shock Loss: After a beard transplant, some of the transplanted hairs may undergo temporary shock loss, where they shed within a few weeks after the procedure. This is a normal part of the hair growth cycle, and new hair growth will typically begin within a few months.
  • Scarring: Beard transplants typically leave minimal scarring, especially when the follicles are harvested using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. The tiny incisions made during the procedure usually heal well and leave tiny, almost imperceptible scars. However, in rare cases, hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation may occur, particularly in individuals with a predisposition to such scarring.

It’s important to discuss these potential side effects and any specific concerns with your surgeon during the consultation. A qualified professional will provide you with detailed information about the risks, benefits, and potential outcomes of the beard transplant procedure based on your individual circumstances. By following the post-operative instructions and seeking prompt medical attention if needed, you can help minimize the likelihood and severity of side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. As with Hair Transplant, the results are permanent. If you do not have health problems or any biological change in your body, the results will be permanent.
After two weeks of the procedure, the shock fall starts, and after one month, the new beard will start to grow.
No. Regardless of the general risks related to surgeries (allergy to anesthesia or anything similar), there are no side effects or risks related with Beard Transplant.
No. Beard Transplant is done by FUE, DHI, and Robotic DHI techniques. The grafts are collected individually from the donor area without making any incision, so there are no scars after the procedure neither in face or donor area.
No. It is not recommended to use any tobacco products for at least one week after the procedure. As long as you stay away from smoking, the recovery process will be easier and faster.


  • abbas abdalmalek

    25 January 2020 - 11:27

    Is the beard transplant painful at all? you know you do something on the face and this scares me offfff!!! one of my friends had berard transplant he told me that there is nothing worry about but i want to get an answer from you as a professional thanx in advance

    • Natural Hair Turkey

      28 January 2020 - 11:28

      Hello Abbas,

      Thanks for expressing your interest in Natural Hair Turkey.

      The beard transplant is performed under local anesthesia, therefore there is nothing worry about pain.

      For further information please feel free to contact us by the number +90 531 546 10 05, so that our medical consultant will contact you and provide you a free medical examination to clarify all the details of the condition.


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