Breast Lifting

Surgery of Breast Lifting

It is important that the breasts that complete the aesthetic vision of the woman’s body are vertical, ideal in size and symmetrical. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, severity, frequent weight gain,genetic factors, menopause and aging result in decreased breast volume and looseness of ligaments connecting the breast tissue to the anterior chest wall. This results in sagging of the breast and nipple skin.
Breast sagging, which gives an aesthetically unpleasant appearance, can cause sociological and psychological problems in women.

In normal cases, the nipple stays above the fold line at the bottom of the nozzle. However, over time, the nipple begins to descend into the breasts that lose their elasticity and tissue volume. In this case, the most effective and permanent solution is breast surgery. The breast lift surgery is an remodeling, which gives a perfect fullness and a perfect stiffening for breasts that have lost their volume and shape. You can obtain great results with breast lift surgery performed by experienced doctors in Turkey.


Degrees Of Split Breasts

There are several degrees of slump on the breasts. The degree of sagging is usually measured relative to the alignment of the nipple with the line under the breast. Sagging 1st degree (light): If the nipple is near the bottom or aligned with it, it is called 1st degree sagging (slight). In case of slight sagging, only the tissues are removed from the circumference of the brown part of the breast. If there is a decrease in breast tissue volume, a prosthesis may be placed under the breast. Second degree collapse (middle): The tip of the nipple is 1 to 3 cm below the fold line under the nipple. The 2nd degree (in the middle) is called moderate subsidence. In this case, a thin incision surrounding the brown part of the breast and descending to the breast fold is removed, the excess skin is removed and the nipple is moved where it should be. 3rd degree collapse (forward): The tip of the nipple 3 cm or more below the bottom of the nipple line is called sagging forward. An inverted T-shaped incision is made and in this case, a horizontal scar will remain under the chest. However, the advantage of this accuracy is in the fact that the nozzle can have a complete conical and round shape.

Your doctor will do a thorough physical examination before breast surgery, which can be applied to all women after 18-20 years, once breast development is complete. The degree of sagging of the breast and the technique to be applied are determined in this process. Ultrasound and mammography are performed in patients with family history of breast cancer, people with cancer risk factors, and patients over 40 years of age. Thus, it is studied in detail if there are problems.

You must pay attention to certain points before surgery; tell your doctor if you are taking any medications and ask if there is something that you shouldn’t be eaten and dranked 5 to 6 hours before the operation. One week before the operation, pain medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and bleeding medications, such as aspirin, should be avoided.

Women over 40 years of age must have breast screening by mammography or ultrasound. If you smoke and drink alcohol, you have to stop smoking and drinking 1 week before surgery to improve the cure rate. By following the advice of your doctor, you can easily pass trhought the operative process and the postoperative period increasing the speed of healing.

Under general anesthesia, the breast lift operation lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours and is performed in the operating room. During the operation, the collapsed breast tissue is reshaped, the excess skin is removed and the nipple is brought to where it should be. The surgical technique varies depending on the degree of sagging of the breast. However, whatever the technique used, there is no trace left on the breast. Although the marks are very visible and red the first months, they pale in the following months and become less noticeable.

The silicone prosthesis is applied to patients who experience slight sagging and slight breast volume during the breast lift operation. Breast reduction is also performed in patients with excessive sagging and breast volume. The silicone prosthesis is applied to patients who have both a breast volume problem and a sag.

  • Those who have problems with their breasts after breastfeeding
  • Breasts that are less developed
  • Those who have sagging breasts as a result of frequent weight gain and loss
  • Those who have sagging breasts in relation to age and gravity
  • Those with an enlarged areola
  • Those who have self-confidence problems because of their drooping breasts
  • Those who do not wear the clothes they want because of their drooping breasts

Your doctor will do a thorough physical examination before breast surgery, which can be applied to all women after 18-20 years, once breast development is complete. The degree of sagging of the breast and the technique to be applied are determined in this process. Ultrasound and mammography are performed in patients with family history of breast cancer, people with cancer risk factors, and patients over 40 years of age. Thus, it is studied in detail if there are problems.

You must pay attention to certain points before surgery; tell your doctor if you are taking any medications and ask if there is something that you shouldn’t be eaten and dranked 5 to 6 hours before the operation. One week before the operation, pain medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and bleeding medications, such as aspirin, should be avoided.

Women over 40 years of age must have breast screening by mammography or ultrasound. If you smoke and drink alcohol, you have to stop smoking and drinking 1 week before surgery to improve the cure rate. By following the advice of your doctor, you can easily pass trhought the operative process and the postoperative period increasing the speed of healing.

Under general anesthesia, the breast lift operation lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours and is performed in the operating room. During the operation, the collapsed breast tissue is reshaped, the excess skin is removed and the nipple is brought to where it should be. The surgical technique varies depending on the degree of sagging of the breast. However, whatever the technique used, there is no trace left on the breast. Although the marks are very visible and red the first months, they pale in the following months and become less noticeable.

The silicone prosthesis is applied to patients who experience slight sagging and slight breast volume during the breast lift operation. Breast reduction is also performed in patients with excessive sagging and breast volume. The silicone prosthesis is applied to patients who have both a breast volume problem and a sag.

  • Those who have problems with their breasts after breastfeeding
  • Breasts that are less developed
  • Those who have sagging breasts as a result of frequent weight gain and loss
  • Those who have sagging breasts in relation to age and gravity
  • Those with an enlarged areola
  • Those who have self-confidence problems because of their drooping breasts
  • Those who do not wear the clothes they want because of their drooping breasts
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Surgery of Breast Lifting?

Mastopexy is a surgical procedure to correct the problem of breast ptosis. The ptosis is a situation that is observed most often with the loss of shape after pregnancy, with the effect of gravity over time or as a result of successive losses or gains in weight. In addition, ptosis can occur in young age with breasts that are less developed.

A deterioration that occurs in breasts that are very important for the cleavage is observed not only with sagging breasts but also with the expansion of the areola following hormonal fluctuations. Falling breasts also cause skin irritation below the breasts and cause dermatological problems as a result of friction. Breast lift should be considered after breastfeeding to avoid a loss of shape that can recur again after pregnancy.

After Breast Lifting Surgery

It is necessary to stay in the hospital for one night after the breast lift surgery. Usually, the drains are removed the next morning and the patient is discharged. There is not much pain after the operation, but swelling and edema can occur for 3-4 days. This swelling and edema begin to diminish after a week. A few days after the procedure, the bandages are removed and the patient starts to wear a sports bra. This bra should be used for 2-3 months. Is important to know that the shape of your breasts after surgery may take 6 to 12 months to be with the aesthetic final result. If the patient is likely to have mild scarring, frequent weight changes, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and with the effect of gravity, subsidence may occur again. The patient can return to his daily life and professional life within 3-4 days of the operation. There are some things to consider after breast lift surgery:

  • Use the medications given by the doctor regularly
  • Avoid heavy sports for 2 months. After 1 month, the sport can be done like a light walk
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least one month after surgery.
  • Do not lie on the face and breasts for 15 days after the operation.
  • Since sexual activity will cause swelling of the incision sites, it is advisable to stay away from sexual activity for 2-3 weeks
  • The incision must be protected from the sun until the color of the skin changes
  • A shower should not be taken until approved by your doctor
  • You must use the special medical bra that has been provided for the specified period.

After surgery, you can easily achieve the look of your dreams by following the advice of your doctor.

Most Common Questions

It depends on the technique used. However, techniques that generally maintain breastfeeding are preferred.
Price of surgery and details of the operation vary depending on the hospital and your doctor. It is appropriate to provide the most accurate information after a medical examination.
Breast lift surgery should be performed with the completion of breast structure development. In other words, the operation is suitable after the age of 18 years.
After the operation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss, such as sagging, may recur. For this reason, it is helpful to raise the breast during a period when pregnancy is unplanned and where the ideal weight is reached.
It is not possible to remove cracks around and above the nipple by breast lift surgery.
A few days of rest after surgery will be enough. After a week on average, daily life can be restored. However, it is recommended to people who work in a job requiring physical strength, who practice an intense sport and who are very active to wait at least 3 months.
During the operation, the procedure is performed paying attention to the nerves on the nipple. In this way, there is no loss of sensation in the nipple.
Its goal is to give the chest the most aesthetic appearance possible during its operation. Therefore, breast reduction can be performed in the same order.
The incision is made because excess fat and skin are removed during the surgery. As a result, a slight scar may remain. However, these traces lose their importance over time.
The degree of sagging of the breast is determined by the angle of the nipple with the under-chest fold line.

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