Facelift removes your sad look

Face lift is an operation to tighten the face and to make the layers more active and young, which looks tired and therefore appear in a sad look.

Principle of surgery: The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, although it can also be performed in the combination of the so-called angogadaton (general anesthesia of the patient intravenously with drugs – administered by an anesthesiologist) and local anesthesia. It usually takes 3-4 hours depending on the type of anesthesia and the extent of the surgery. Each surgeon will explain the process in detail and all the information about it before the operation.

Originally: the skin is removed from the muscular ligament of the cheek and neck with the skin incision, which leads directly next to the oracle, around the earlobe, behind the ear along the hair. The muscle layer and ligament are called somas (superficial abonortic muscle system) and then have been tightened again (through different methods depending on the surgeon’s exercise) and then the excess skin is removed. Sutures are sewn. As a result the face has a smaller appearance and the chin is lifted slightly without any excess skin.

Postoperative period: The patient usually stays in hospital 2-3 days after surgery. Stitches are removed within a period of up to 10 days. The patient wears a special mask for optimum recovery for 10-14 days. Some posthumous exercises can appear, they gradually fade, usually in 2-3 weeks. The final appearance can be assessed in about 3 months.

Risks and Complications: Every surgery even facial beautification has some surgical risks: for example. Some bleeding with the need for medical review, infection, peripheral necrosis of the skin caused by greater tension or smoking for the patient or internal disease (diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and others). Temporary palsy may occur in one of the facial muscles caused by damage and compression of the facial nerve. Permanent damage is very rare. The quality of scars is usually very good, although it can never be guaranteed 100%. All the risks caused by a procedure under general anesthesia are the same as in any other surgery. All of the above complications fortunately very rare.

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