A guide for the procedure after rhinoplasty | What should you do?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries in the world. This procedure, which gives people successful and permanent results, aims to improve the nose’s shape and size.

In this article, we have collected all information about the period after Rhinoplasty, which is the procedure underwent by many people.

Let us get started!

What Is Waiting For You After Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention in the flaccid and orthopedic tissues in the nose, after this intervention, the wound is stitched. In this case, the increased sensitivity of the treated area is considered normal.

Beside this, the treated area is bandaged before the patient leaves the hospital. Do not remove this bandage and follow the doctor’s instructions accurately.

After the procedure, Internal nasal splints are placed in your nose. These nasal splints will help you to breath easily and it supports the new shape of the nose. You may face some breathing difficulties in the first period after the procedure.

Moreover, the nose may not do its full functions. For example, since the nose cannot heat the air you are breathing, the cold air will move directly to the throat causing dryness and sensitivity. In this case, it is very important to drink a lot of water in order to eliminate this throat’s dryness.

In addition, you may face these conditions after Rhinoplasty:

  • Simple swelling in the nose, upper lip, upper gum and cheeks. and sensitivity with this swelling.
  • Feeling of blocked nose, especially in the short period after the procedure, you can notice mucus gathered in the nose. In this case, you can place gauze under the nose.
  • Simple bleeding may occur in the treated area, there is no need to worry.
  • You may not recognize smells in the first week. In the next weeks, you will get smelling ability back.

Some Important Advices After Rhinoplasty.

  • Avoid any movement that may apply pressure on the nose.
  • After the procedure, you should support your head with two pillows while sleeping for at least 2 weeks. Sleeping on the side or face will increase the risk of bleeding nose.
  • Do not place anything inside the nose.
  • After the procedure, your doctor may recommend nose spray that contains natural sea salt. Use this spray four times a day for three months.
  • Use your prescribed medications regularly with the spray.
  • Wear wide clothes, which are easy to wear and take off.
  • You can wash your face and hair the next day of the procedure. Make sure the water is not hot or cold and it is not going to touch the nose directly.
  • Avoid heavy exercises.
  • Do not lift anything heavier than 5-kilo grams, and do not strain yourself physically.
  • You should be careful while having sexual intercourse.
  • Do not drive at the procedure’s day.
  • Do not consume solid foods.
  • You should consume a lot of liquids, this will eliminate the side effects of the procedure and speed up the recovery process.
  • Avoid sunlight for three months after the procedure. You may need to wear a hat or sunscreen for this reason.
  • Stop using blood transfusions such as Aspirin for two weeks.
  • Stop using tobacco products for two weeks after the procedure.

It is important to act according to the doctor’s instructions and give a chance to your body to rest after having Rhinoplasty.

You Can Do These Things Freely!

We have provided you information about things you should avoid after having Rhinoplasty. Now, let us talk about things you can do:

  • You can go back to your daily life and work in a short period after the procedure.
  • You can walk as much as you want.
  • You can use icepacks in order to decrease swelling in the treated area.
  • If your glasses are light, you can keep wearing them after the procedure.
  • You can wear contact lenses after two days of the procedure.
  • If you feel pain, you can use painkillers prescribed by your doctor.
  • You can massage your nose with soft movements if your doctor said so.
  • You can wear makeup to hide defects. And you can use vitamins if your doctor agreed. The vitamins give you a very good support in recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You should make sure that your glasses are not heavy. The heavy glasses may cause defect in the treated area by pressing on the nose. Wearing contact lenses is the best option in this case.
No. There is no specific diet you need to follow after having Rhinoplasty. But it is important to consume a laot of water, and avoid hard digested food. Following a healthy diet affects patients positively in this period.
No. Just in the procedure’s day. You can shower the day after it. You can wash your face and hair and the whole body. At this stage, you should be careful while washing yourself. In addition, make sure the water is not hot or cold.
No. You can use Aspirin two weeks after the procedure. In addition, you should stop using other blood transfusions in order to avoid the risk of bleeding.
No. You should avoid smoking and tobacco products for at least two weeks after the procedure. These products have negative effects such as disabling the recovery process.


  • Mojca Nina

    27 January 2020 - 17:38

    thanks for posting this guide is very clear and comprehensive but I need to ask something
    I underwent a nose job surgery
    but the result is not as good as I dreamed of
    can you do a second nose job to improve it

    • Natural Hair Turkey

      28 January 2020 - 11:05

      Hello Mojca,

      Thanks for expressing your interest in Natural Hair Turkey.

      It is possible to have a secondary rhinoplasty to improve the previous results. Please feel free to contact us by the number +90 531 546 10 05, so that our medical consultant will contact you and provide you a free medical examination to clarify all the details of the condition.

      Have a nice day.

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