Arm Lift Operation in Turkey
It is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes the back side of your arm. Excessive skin and tissue are removed, which make your arm look more attractive and more beautiful.
When a person gains so much weight, the skin slowly extends over time. When you lose weight in a fast way, your skin may not be flexible enough to get back to its normal condition. This can lead to sagging in the skin tissue. This sagging may be in your arms, thighs and down the abdomen.
An arm lift in Turkey is one of the body sculpting procedures. This type of surgery is often done after a weight loss surgery. Most people who have done a weight loss surgery are concerned with a cosmetic procedure that can reshape the body. Surgeons often perform a tightening operation at the same time as another surgery.
When Can I Perform Arm Lift Operation?
This procedure that is performed in Turkey might be suitable for you if you have lost a lot of weight recently. Usually it’s done on people who made a surgery to lose weight. You might be not satisfied on your appearance, especially if you have more folds of tissue under your arm.
These folds may cause these problems:
- Lack of comfort due to appearance,
- Can lead to inflammations and rashes,
- Cleanliness problems in this area,
- Lack of self-confidence.
Generally, this procedure is considered safe, but as in all surgical operations it might have some risks.
These risks depend on your age, how much weight you lost and other health problems you might be facing. It also depends on the applied technique of the surgeon. Talk to your doctor in details about the risks that may occur.
During this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon removes the excess tissue from the bottom of your arm. Your surgeon will make an incision in the inner part or the back side of your arm. It will remove excess folds of your arm. Then, surgeon will sew the remaining tissue together. Sometimes the surgeon removes excess tissue on both sides of the chest. The surgeon may also perform liposuction during surgery to help sculpt the body.
Arm lift in Turkey is done under general anesthesia, so there is no need to worry about having pain during the surgery.
- Problems in wounds healing,
- Infection,
- Bleeding,
- Swelling may occur in your arm due to damage in lymphatic tissue,
- Complications of anesthesia,
- Continuous pain,
- Thick or wide scars.
You may not get the results you want from the process, and you may need to perform the operation again to determine the shape of your arm. You will also have a large scar on your arm after surgery.
You should ask your doctor if this procedure is suitable for you. If you have some medical problems, it will be better to not take the risk to perform the procedure. Your doctor would prefer to ensure if you have a realistic idea about the results, also you need to commit to a healthy lifestyle.
This process should not be done until you reach a constant weight. If you lose weight after the operation, sagging may occur in other parts of the body. If your weight increases significantly after the Arm Lift in Turkey, this may hurt your weak skin, also it can cause extensive scars.
If you smoke, you should quit smoking at least several weeks before the procedure. Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications and may delay the healing process. Ask your doctor if you should stop using any medications before surgery. Be sure to ask about the non-prescription medicines such as aspirin. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery. Also, inform your doctor about any health problems you had like fever.
Your doctor may perform preoperative tests such as:
- Electrocardiography,
- Lung function tests, to verify lung health,
- Basic blood tests, to check infection, anemia and kidney function,
- Your doctor may give you more advices on how to prepare for the procedure.
Generally, this procedure is considered safe, but as in all surgical operations it might have some risks.
These risks depend on your age, how much weight you lost and other health problems you might be facing. It also depends on the applied technique of the surgeon. Talk to your doctor in details about the risks that may occur.
During this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon removes the excess tissue from the bottom of your arm. Your surgeon will make an incision in the inner part or the back side of your arm. It will remove excess folds of your arm. Then, surgeon will sew the remaining tissue together. Sometimes the surgeon removes excess tissue on both sides of the chest. The surgeon may also perform liposuction during surgery to help sculpt the body.
This procedure is done under general anesthesia, so there is no need to worry about having pain during the surgery.
- Problems in wounds healing.
- Infection.
- Bleeding.
- Swelling may occur in your arm due to damage in lymphatic tissue.
- Complications of anesthesia.
- Continuous pain.
- Thick or wide scars.
You may not get the results you want from the process, and you may need to perform the operation again to determine the shape of your arm. You will also have a large scar on your arm after surgery.
You should ask your doctor if this procedure is suitable for you. If you have some medical problems, it will be better to not take the risk to perform the procedure. Your doctor would prefer to ensure if you have a realistic idea about the results, also you need to commit to a healthy lifestyle.
This process should not be done until you reach a constant weight. If you lose weight after the operation, sagging may occur in other parts of the body. If your weight increases significantly after the Arm Lift, this may hurt your weak skin, also it can cause extensive scars.
If you smoke, you should quit smoking at least several weeks before the procedure. Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications and may delay the healing process. Ask your doctor if you should stop using any medications before surgery. Be sure to ask about the non-prescription medicines such as aspirin. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery. Also, inform your doctor about any health problems you had like fever.
Your doctor may perform preoperative tests such as:
- Electrocardiography.
- Lung function tests, to verify lung health.
- Basic blood tests, to check infection, anemia and kidney function.
- Your doctor may give you more advices on how to prepare for the procedure.
We feel free to share some feedback from our honorable Patients
Garret D'silva,
Mary Fathima,
Helen Garcia,
During Arm Lift
Your doctor can explain the details of your operation. A plastic surgeon with a team of nurses will perform the surgery. In general, you can expect the following:
- In most cases , you will get general anesthesia. This is to help you sleep through the operation. So you will not feel anything. Or you may get local anesthesia and medications that make you feel relaxed but awake.
- An anesthesiologist will monitor heart rate, blood pressure and other vital signs during the operation.
- You will get antibiotics during and after the operation to prevent infection.
- The doctor makes an incision behind your arm or inside it. Moving from under the armpit to your elbow. Or it may move partially toward your chest.
- The doctor will remove the skin and excess fat in this area.
- The doctor will re-connect the skin. This makes the arm shape smooth.
- If it is planned, the doctor will perform another type of body sculpting.
- The medical staff will put bandages on your incisions.
- Nurses may place a tube to prevent accumulation of fluid under the incision during recovery period.
After Arm Lift
When you wake up, you may have a tube down your skin. This is used to drain fluids from the wound. You may have some pain after that. You can ask for a painkiller for it. You should be able to follow a normal diet once you are ready for it.
You may need to stay for a nigh in the hospital. Some people are able to go home at the same day of operation. In this case, make sure there is someone who can take you home. You should also plan for assistance after the operation. Driving may not be safe for you for several days.
Your doctor will tell you how to treat your cracks. It is normal to have little leaking from the incision site. Tell your doctor if you have severe bleeding, redness or fever. Also tell your doctor if you have any severe symptoms, such as sudden difficulty breathing or chest pain.
Your doctor will inform you about how much you can move after the procedure. You should not apply too much pressure on your cracks as they recover. Following your doctor’s orders carefully will improve your chances of recovering easily.
You will see Arm Lift results immediately. The results will last as you maintain a stable weight. If you are not satisfied with the results of the procedure, talk to your doctor. Some people need another operation to get the result they want.